Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blog Topic 6

I wouldn't say that writing this blog has been a pleasure to me, but I haven't hated it. I enjoy writing, but only topics I have interest in (naturally). I think for a student who is more invested in studying management, (aka a Zicklin student), this blog assignment would be more effective. I think the idea is good, so that you are forced to think about the ideas in a way different from traditional homework. I enjoyed reading others blog entries, but I do not think it made me communicate more with them in class. I like to read and I think understanding others views is valuable, but this blog did not necessarily make me have more effective or plentiful communication with my classmates. I wasn't the biggest fan of commenting on others' posts- I felt awkward writing to someone I don't even know (I never post on blogs or forums of any topics- even ones that interest me). The blog did help me to remember what we did during class activity, instead of just forgetting about everything after I left class. I am not sure I completely understand the effect this will have on my grade, but I guess I will find out. Overall, I think I put a solid effort into the blog and I thought a lot about what I was writing. I attempted to give valuable feedback to other's posts. I don't plan on using this blog after the course is over- but I am not a huge fan of putting myself out there for just random thoughts. I think the blog is an interesting and effective component of the course. I think for the average Baruch student the blog is an effective educational instrument and could prove valuable.

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