Monday, November 15, 2010

Power of Vision

These are my visions for the future
  1. After graduating Baruch, I plan to attend law school. I want to attend either Columbia University or New York University law school. In order to do this, I am going to maintain a high GPA while at Baruch and also score high on the LSAT’s. That means that for now I have to concentrate on school and make sure that I can get the highest grades I possibly can. I am a full time student but I also work four full days a week. So I need to make sure I balance school and work while doing well in both.
  2. I love food. I am a vegetarian, but I have a more adventurous diet than most people I know. I love to mix different types of food and see what works together. However, I am usually too lazy or too tired to really cook or bake. A personal goal I have for myself is to become an accomplished chef and baker. I want to be able to share the food I eat with other people and show them that not all vegetarian food is boring or bland (a common misconception). I am going to go about this by going to many diverse restaurants to find inspiration, follow recipes that I collect from online, and experiment with my own recipes. 
  3. I love art and museums. I have been to the Met countless times, Moma, the Guggenheim, the Queens and Brooklyn Museums of Art, the Louvre and others. I would like to visit every major art museum in the world. I also would like to further develop my French and Italian language skills. I can have a basic conversation in both but I would like to become fluent or at least have a working knowledge for my personal development and for career opportunities.

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